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Motivational Monday Quote of the Day 3/9/09

“those who try to be rich one day, will be hanged in a year”

Two days ago My dad convinced me to play the lottery for the first time in my life. As u know I have one the wildest imaginations on the planet so I have been secretly fantasizing about the things I could do if I win. Sure it’s cool but it’s one the the most depressing things I have experienced. Once I realized the slim chances of actually winning were so small it pissed me off. Ever since that day I have been seeing the lottery everywhere like it’s the new jordans. I seen homeless people buying lottery tickets with change, and people going hard spending $15 a day trying to hit this jackpot. This get rich quick shit does not work I’m sorry. It’s like trying to get your virginity back. It’s not happening. Stop wasting your time and money trying to get rich quick, an take the steady route. There are wayyyy more broke drug dealers then rich ones and that can be applied to what u doing. Hard work pays off, the only shot cut in life is a bald fade, when life give u lemons don’t try to make orange juice. Dreams are nice to have, but u gotta wake up eventually. Have a vision and a plan, not a dream. Pride keeps people broke, push it aside and do what u gotta do to make to happen today.


Life 101

The 40% rule.

Listen. Only 40% of the people that you encounter are going to like u. That means those 60% that u are to trying so hard to reach or impress ain’t even trying to give u a chance, skip them and concentrate on the 40% that’s got your back. Now out of that 40% half of them like u but they not finna go out of their way to actively engage and or support u. They are more like acquaintances whom u can count on when they got the time or when they feel like it. They could be in the top 20% but it takes time and I mean u can’t have 40 best friends it’s impossible.

What I’m saying is. Find out who your 20% is and make sure u treat them right, they got yo back no matter what.

60% = kiss my ass
40% = shake my hand
20% = gimme a hug

-Louchi Vuitton