
How long are you going to carry that old grudge? Let it go, it takes a well adjusted person to recognize someones mistake and forgive them. It’s a way of life, keep it moving, grudges are only going to make you a bitter person. Berfor you let the world taint your soul, remember that people feed off your energy. What ever you put out in the universe is what you are going to get back. It’s as simple as that, live and let live.

Next week I will be start the “think like a champion” series. It might just change your way of thinking


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You have 24 hours in a day, and if your lucky to get 8 hours of sleep (ha!) you got 16 hours to work with. After you bust your ass at work, you got about 5 to 6 hours left. Instead of doing nothing take this time to spend it productivly with you friends, family, loved ones etc. Work on your relationships because it will pay off.

Man can’t eat off bread alone,
Realtionships isn’t just head alone,
And if you don’t spend time u will be dead alone.


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I used to set my expectations so high that I almost made it impossible for me to be happy. I felt like if I didn’t get what I wanted then I failed. Well when your goal is to have over 8 figures then it makes it pretty hard to be content with anything less then that. Sounds crazy right? Well the key to life isn’t being sucessful, it’s about being happy. Whatever makes you happy then do that no matter what. What’s living if you are not happy? I said that money was going to make me happy but money is just the end result of doing what you love to do. If you got money but you are doing something you dislike then your ass is still going to be unhappy. Love the work not the result and you will find yourself in the best situation possible.


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Everybody is lazy. That’s they way we Americans work now. A long time ago people used to have to work allllllllll day. Even when they got home they had to chop wood, kill the food, cook the food, raise the kids. You know where I’m going with this. I don’t even know when we became so damn lazy but it is the most common virus in the world. I am not saying stop watching tv and using the computer, I’m saying priortize. I’m not perfect either, next time you find yourself slacking, think about how you don’t wanna be homeless. The only person that can change your life is you. Most people are just waiting for something good to happen to them, things may come to those who wait but they are usually the discards of those who hustle.



Sorry for the lateness. I been going through some things. Anyway today
I will speak on numbers.

Everybody wants to be #1. #10 does not want to be #9, they want to be
#1. Out of all the numbers in the world, number 1 is the only
acceptable one. Seriously, does that mean that everyone else but #1 is
a failure? Don't attach a label to your success, just be. #2 is only a
looser if you are racing, and life is not a race. It's a game that you
play aganist yourself. Live and learn, the more you quantatize (that's
a big word lou) your life the more unhappy you will make yourself.
Scottie was not better then Mike, but if you have a problem with being
pippen then you might want to rethink some things about your life.


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Have a plan

"If you don't have a plan, you don't have a chance"

The one thing that people are missing in their lives is a plan. People
get motivated to excersie, so they start doing it. After about the
third time, they quit. It's not like they wanted to quit, but they put
it off one day and it turned into a week. Next thing you know, no more
exercise. If this sounds like you, then what u need to do is write it
down and tell somebody. If you shoot without aiming at something
specific then you are not about to hit anything. (maybe some innocent

Start by setting a reasonable goal. Write it down and come up with the
steps necessary to complete this goal. When it's on paper you can
actually track your progress and see that you are actually making it
happen. It's not just a random commitment in your head anymore, it's a
tangable goal that makes you have to face it everyday. If you quit
after that then you must like being a quitter. You deserve better for
yourself. Take the time and plan it out and then follow through.


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