Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

When Life Gives you Lemons, save the seeds, plant a lemon tree, and sell lemons for a little fee.” – Louchi

There are times in life where you are going to get dealt the worst hand, the only thing you can do is take advantage of it.  Making something out of nothing is easier said then done, its a bitter sweet hustle, but you will reap all of the rewards.  So take the sour part of live and turn it into a positive somehow.  Grow your assets and I promise you that you will look at lemons in a different light.  Sometimes they can be a good thing, and force you to look harder and see more then you ever thought you could.


Quote of the Day

Stop doing what you are just OK at.

The only way to truly be of value is to be a master at at least one thing. The only way to do that is to stop spreading yourself thin with all of your other work. Pick one thing and be a master at that first. People will pay for someone that is a master at one thing over someone who is just ok at everything. By all means you can be multitalented but just know where your bread and butter is.

Quote of the Day

“If a picture is worth a thousand words, dont let the words get in the way”

You can make what you want of this.

Quote of the Day

Thanks For Leading

Leadership is scarce because few people are willing to go through the discomfort required to lead.

The scarcity makes leadership valuable. If everyone tries to lead all the time, not much happens. It’s discomfort that creates the leverage that makes leadership worthwhile.

In other words, if everyone could do it, they would, and it wouldn’t be worth much.

It’s uncomfortable to stand up in front of strangers.
It’s uncomfortable to propose an idea that might fail.
It’s uncomfortable to challenge the status quo.
It’s uncomfortable to resist the urge to settle.

When you identify the discomfort, you’ve found the place where a leader is needed.

If you’re not uncomfortable in your work as a leader, it’s almost certain you’re not reaching your potential as a leader.

This is VIA my teacher Seth Godin

Quote of the Day

Life isn’t complicated, only what you make it to be

Its so easy to get confused these days. Life is simple right? All you need is food, clothing, and shelter to live “happily”, its the extra cold shit in life that just makes it a lil complex. For example, you could drive that Rav 4 (WARNING: Kanye doesn’t approve of this) and be fine. But Its that desire to drive that BMW 745 that really kinda makes it hard to drive that Rav 4. So what do you do? Well if you want that BMW then working part time at Steak and Shake aint really going to cut it. So you need a better job, witch means you either need to find the hook up or go to college. Now you got to get a loan, sit and wait for that debt to show up, Now you got your degree and you gotta pay that loan back, Wait Theres MORE! Nobody is hiring in your field and now your working part time at Burger King cause Steak and Shake is mad that you quit to go to college. Now your in the same rat race as everybody else and you are in too deep to go back. Good luck with that BMW.
