7 reasons why some people are more successful

1. Successful people have a clear personal mission which steers their actions in life.
2. They have a positive mental attitude, which helps them know they will achieve their goals.
3. They are willing to make sacrifices to achieve success.
4. They are persistent.
5. They have set meaningful and challenging goals for themselves
6. They have made a conscious effort to focus on these goals and have a specific plan of action for bringing them to reality.
7. They work towards their goals everyday, and take specific actions towards achieving them.

Now ask yourself, “is what I’m doing on a day-to-day basis consistent with the direction I want to go and the goals I want to achieve?

“Dr. Denis Cauvier” he is no slouch

think about it.


Quote of the Day

Real difficulties can be overcome; it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable.
Theodore N. Vail

Fear is an Illusion. Stop listening to that annoying voice in your head telling you that you can’t do something. Remember when we were kids? We wasn’t scared of anything. As we got older, we got smarter and therefore we started to fear things that we knew would hurt us. Well pretend you are a kid again, and just go for it. Whats the worst that can happen? You fail? Its not failure, its called learning. You better learn somthing.

Loubron James

Quote of the Day

Everybody has their own private Mount Everest they were put on this earth to climb.

So see you at the top right?’


Quote of the Day

Success is a journey not a destination.

I don’t even think I have to elaborate on that one. Let it marinate.


Quote of the Day

You will not possess what you don’t pursue.

You don’t get what you not working for. To put it simple, pick whats important to you and chase that. Be warned though that something else is going to leave. Every action has a reaction, there will be balance. It’s hard to have your cake and eat it to. Fat chance (pun intended).


Quote of the Day

“Get Rid Of Excuses” – Roger Oech

“When this Spanish explorer named Cortz sailed to Veracruz, the first thing he did was burn his ships. He told his soldiers, “You can either fight or you can die.” He did this because he got rid of their option to giving up on the war and retreating back to Spain. That’s come cold blooded S*** but it sometimes it talks more creativity to get rid of excuses then to come up with a new idea.”

What 3 factors will make it hard to reach your goal?

How can you get rid of these excuses?
