There is a saying that goes “life is only what you make it”, well it goes both ways. Life would be alot more simpler if you simplify it. Granted that nothing is technically “easy”, some people find it hard just to get out of bed in the morning to go to work, while others have no problem. Kobe can score 20 points with ease while I probably couldn’t score 20 on the bulls in the NBA. What im saying is, its all the extra stuff in life that makes living hard, you got debt, BMW car note, and other things we find a way to blow money on. How about you try to be humble and simplfy your needs/wants to make you life just a little bit easier. 01:00:002013-08-05 03:24:18Quote of the Day
“The grass on the other side may be greener but when was the last time you watered your lawn” 00:26:002013-08-05 03:24:18Quote of the Day
The Future Begins Tomorrow. Raise the bar. Over and over again, raise the bar. Impossible a week ago is not good enough. You want stuff that is impossible today, because as they say at Yoyodyne, the future begins tomorrow. 02:20:002013-08-05 03:24:18Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
in The Life, The QuotesThere is a saying that goes “life is only what you make it”, well it goes both ways. Life would be alot more simpler if you simplify it. Granted that nothing is technically “easy”, some people find it hard just to get out of bed in the morning to go to work, while others have no problem. Kobe can score 20 points with ease while I probably couldn’t score 20 on the bulls in the NBA. What im saying is, its all the extra stuff in life that makes living hard, you got debt, BMW car note, and other things we find a way to blow money on. How about you try to be humble and simplfy your needs/wants to make you life just a little bit easier.
Quote of the Day
in The Life, The QuotesQuote of the Day
in The Life, The Quotes